I'm so sorry I've been missing for a little bit! Our internet wasn't working correctly and I haven't been able to post, but now I'm back! Please don't give up on me yet, as long as my internet keeps working, I'll keep on posting!
So here are some updates of what I've been up to...
1. I been applying for some jobs, so keep your fingers crossed for me!
2. I got a tetanus shot on Wednesday, not so fun, but after doing a lot of arm dancing I'm in pretty good shape!
3. E introduced me to the show Happy Endings, love it! Seriously, watch it!
4. I wrapped a gift for a wedding on Sunday and I'm seriously proud of the wrapping job, I've FINALLY figured out how to wrap gifts ha ha.
5. My Mom and I went to a neighborhood bible study tonight
6. The decorations for my new studio apartment (aka my room) are coming together
7. I had lunch with my Momma today, then went to visit E during his lunch break and I'm meeting for a lunch date tomorrow
8. I've been soaking up this time to read for fun
9. We went out to one of our favorite restaurants on Saturday to celebrate E's birthday
10. Last, but certainly not least I'm attending my first bachelorette party (casual dinner at a friend's house) and then a wedding for our friends on Sunday! I'm so excited for both and hopefully I will be on top of things enough to take pictures and follow with posts, yay!
Isn't this a cute picture?! It isn't me (I wish!) but thanks to the blog Love you, mean it I can totally pretend this is where I'm reading my book. Since I can't keep my nose out of the book, I figured it was pretty perfect. What are you all reading right now? Do you have any recommendations? I'm going to be done with this one soon and I'm going to need something to read next!
xoxo Cassi
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